Guide Dogs "We Need Each Other" spot voted Pick of the Day on David Reviews

Very proud to have been part of Max Fisher’s latest film for the Guide Dogs charity, which has been so well received.

The brief was to find a football pitch or park where some kids could play football, in a residential area, that could feel like it was anywhere in the UK. Perhaps on the edge of a city - not too posh, and not run down. Somewhere that anyone could relate to. We looked at lots of options, but settled on Northolt Park in Ealing. Ealing is always a film friendly borough, and the film office were more than happy to accommodate us.

It was a real coup getting access to a flat in one of the tower blocks so we could get the opening shot of the ad. As always, so grateful for the support of residents living in these areas. They are so co-operative when it comes to filming in their backyards - without their help filming in London would be much more problematic.

Mike Baldock